PNW Annual Award Recipients 2024

Norrie Lamson Award

For outstanding service to Juniors and Jr. Race Programs over a period of several years.


“Kate has been a great coach throughout the division for many years. She always brings a high level of stoke and a positive vibe.  Retiring this year and has positively affected kids as a coach for the last 30 years.”


John Genoud Award

For outstanding service to Juniors and Jr. Race Programs over a period of several years.


James and Cherri Oellrich have worked as Race Officials for MRT for years and have played an integral role in our club hosting successful races.  James gives countless hours of his time to do this job and is dedicated to the sport of ski racing.  They often work together in the timing booth making sure things run smoothly.  James is also working to train new volunteers in the specific roles of timing & calculations so that we continue to grow our knowledge across the MRT community.  They have two children who have ski raced for years and would be very deserving of this award!”

Ken Comfort Award

Presented annually to a person who over the years has given freely of his/her time to help the sport of skiing, either recreational or competitively. In this small way their efforts are recognized. “For outstanding service to the PNSA and the Sport of Skiing.”


I nominate Bill Schmidt, a MBSEF Volunteer, for the Ken Comfort Award!!  As you may know Bill has been the regular finish ref at almost all MBSEF races for many years.  Bill is not new to the ski racing community or industry.  Bill came to PNW as an Official from Colorado. His grandson was a Mini World Cup athlete at MBSEF. Bottom Line…He has continued volunteering with MBSEF for MANY years with no skin in the game ❤️. He is an ideal nominee ❤️❤️❤️”

Olav Ulland Award

Outstanding Nordic Competitor during the past year.


“Consistent top results at all levels of racing – divisional, regional and national.  Caroline is cool, calm and collected and executes her plan at every race she enters.  She is very deserving of this award.”

Schwabe Award

Outstanding Alpine Competitor during the past year.


“Peyton has had an outstanding career as a PNW athlete.  This season Peyton was the first PNW athlete in over 10 years to win a Western Region Elite Series Tech event.  He finished as Western Region Elite Series GS Champion and was the Western Region Kyle Warren Jr Overall Champion for 2024.  Peyton is a leader on his team and in the division.  Peyton understands the journey and all it takes to achieve his goals.  Congratulations on what you’ve accomplished so far and best wishes for a stellar future.”

Northwest Skier Award

Outstanding Junior both on and off the slopes.


“Dani has been ski racing at Mission Ridge since a young age and has always maintained a positive outlook and a positive influence on the hill at training and at races and off the hill in school and in the lodges and race rooms at her mtn and others and at camps.  Dani knows events and training take work and she is often first in and last out because she’s helping make things happen.  In addition to her races and training she also helps annually with the Special Olympics up at Mission Ridge.

Dani has grit in her own work ethic and is also a compassionate teammate and friend to others.  In school Dani is a leader in modeling positive healthy choices and lifestyle that are good for her and often is a positive influence on those around her, which isn’t always easy, but she does it anyways.  She is kind to parents and volunteers and demonstrates good sportsmanship, cheering for others. She manages her own emotions whether she’s having a good or bad race or training day. You might not know from her demeanor which she is experiencing. 

Outside of skiing Dani enjoys taking care of her chickens and market hogs which she shows at her county Fair.  While at the fair, much like at ski races and training, she has stepped in to assist fair staff with livestock management and they of course appreciate her efforts above and beyond just being there to show her own animals.

Leadership in FFA – Danielle is active in the Wenatchee FFA and has competed in numerous CDEs over the past 3 years including Apple Evaluation, Horse Evaluation, Livestock Evaluation, Forestry, Tractor Driving, Ag Mechanics, Welding and Food Science.  She has served in various officer positions while part of the Wenatchee FFA. 

In her free time off the hill, she interns with a local large animal veterinarian in hopes of logging the required hours needed to fulfill her dream of becoming a large animal vet herself.  She also enjoys fishing after school with her friends, drawing, deer & elk hunting, and spending time outdoors.”

Alpine Coach Award

Outstanding Alpine Coach


Super dedicated long-term coach to PNW.  Has had a tremendous impact on a huge number of athletes and has always had an “athlete first” approach to the sport.”

Nordic Coach Award

Outstanding Nordic Coach.


“Has given selflessly to grow, and better, the Mt Bachelor Sports Education Foundation’s Nordic program as Head Coach. Her dedication, and leadership, has been instrumental in the historic growth seen in the MBSEF Nordic program.”

Collegiate Nordic Award

Outstanding collegiate Nordic competitor during the past year.


“Since Zach Jayne last competed for the PNW, JNs 2022, he has gone on to be the Central Collegiate Ski Association’s Regional Champion in 2023. Following a transfer to the University of Utah, Zach qualified to represent the US at the 2024 Junior World Championships and was named to the USST Development Team.”

Press Award

For exceptional service to snow sports by a news media person.


Matt and his wife Robyn are involved with MRT and lead by example, through volunteerism and community building.  They literally are involved with helping at every event which MRT and other teams host at MHM.  He and the forecasters of the Portland and northwest area provide real time data for safe driving conditions to and from the mountain so we can make accurate and safe calls to protect our families and the families of visiting athletes.”

Unsung Heros

Given yearly to volunteers who made their clubs great!


Jason Peterson, MRST: Jason Peterson maintains the timing equipment, sets it up and runs timing for all MRST races, Special Olympics and Thursday Night Drags. He has also helped at away races. Jason keeps races running smoothly and is a great custodian of the timing equipment. Races at Mission would not be the same without him!

Andrew Ping, MRT – Has served as chief of gates at MRT for years and still comes back to help out.

James Oellrich, MRT race admin.  He was thrown many curve balls this year and ran his first Buddy Werner event.  He knocked it out of the park.

James Green, MRT race production.  Kids have been out of racing for 10 years and he’s still an important member of the MRT race production team.

Jen Snyder, WPSC – Race worker extraordinaire.  You’ve seen her on course crew at almost every level of race held in PNW.  Thank you, Jen, to your commitment to ski racing.

SPARC CLUB:  Each of the following nominees has performed above and beyond the expectations of fellow coaches, SPARC athletes, and Performance Triad parents.

Doru Nica

Roger Walland

Ginger York

Megan Rasmussen

George Cretu

Andrea Shockey, MBSEF—Andrea has been the driving, and organizational, force behind all the MBSEF Nordic races, ran in the past season. She has gone far and above to provide athletes with access to high level competition.

Mike Greenslade, MHA – former ski racer, coach and now parent volunteer.  Mike has been a fixture at MHA his entire life.  He always has a smile on his face and a huge hello hug.  Thanks for all your support of ski racing on Mt. Hood and in the Northwest.

Lindsay Davisson, MRST – I nominate Lindsay Davisson for the Unsung Hero Award 2023-24.  Lindsay is the YSL administrator of Mission Ridge Ski Team – but so much more.  She is a master organizer, communicator, and on-hill worker.  She manages a range of part-time coaches, parents, and athletes.  She is a major race event and fundraiser organizer. She has also taken on more responsibility as the PNW U12 representative for the Alpine Competition Committee.  She does all this with class and integrity – with athlete safety and whole-person development being her goal.  I have been fortunate to work for Lindsay; MRST and PNW are fortunate to have her work ethic and skill set.

Meade Fox, MRST – I’ve had the privilege of working course crew with Meade at just about every u14+ race in PNW the last 3-4yr and I appreciate knowing when he’s there we balance each other and can depend on each other.  We’ve helped each other, he’s taught me things, and he’s encouraged me when I’ve felt less than confident.  Meade is a valuable volunteer in our division and the course crew just goes better when he’s on the crew!

Roger Taggart, MRST – Nominated by one his athletes for always being there for him.

CMAC Nominee’s – Tom Loeser, Lorna Harrington, Mike Frazzini, Rourke McNamara, Sarah Chandler, Sarah Bigham, Kim Stewart

Christie Saugen, PVNT – Countless hours of dedication towards the mission of creating an affordable cross country skiing experience for kids where they can grow not only in their athletic abilities but also as positive contributors to society.

Northwest Cup Overall Champions:

Northwest Cup Race of the Year

Voted on by the athletes
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