2025 Western Region U14 Championships
March 25 - March 30
Selections At Bottom of Page
SG / GS / SL
U14 Western Region Championships
Mammoth Mtn, CA
( U14 only – selection by PNW from qualifying race series)
PNW Quota: 15 Women / 15 Men
Arrive Mammoth Mtn., CA March 25 by 7pm,
(If flying, plan to arrive in Reno by 3pm on 3/25 and to depart after 5pm on 3/30.)
Free Ski March 26,
SG Train & Race Days March 27-30
This is a PNW Project. Athletes and Coaches will stay as a team at the Mammoth Mtn. Inn, CA. Transportation to and from the hotel to venue, as well as meals, a team jacket and other incidentals, will be part of the PNW package.
♦Race Announcement
⇒Entry Fee: $240 Total – $52 per Tech event, $40 SG Training, $56 SG event, $40 Banquet (included in PNW package price)
⇒Souvenir: Included in PNW package price
⇒Lift Tickets: Athletes must arrange ticket purchase on their own. Ikon pass honored.
To purchase racer tickets online, visit the link: https://book.mammothmountain.com/ecomm/Package/PackageBuilder/17793040/enUS/?packageid=80444&promocode=U14CHAMP
$34 / day for athletes 12 and younger
$62 / day for athletes 13 and older (2013 YOB)
Discounted family tickets are available for purchase at the Race Department office.
⇒Lodging: Mammoth Mtn. Inn (included in PNW Project fee)
3 athletes per double queen room. Athletes requesting only 2 to a room will pay an additional $50 per night.
⇒Meals: Breakfast at hotel, dinner Wed – Fri, Banquet Sat. Night (included in PNW Project fee) Dinner Tuesday night and Lunch each day on your own.
♦Athlete Questionnaire: Required. You will be confirmed once the questionnaire is filled out.
⇒Parent Information:
1. The banquet is on Saturday March 29. Parents will be able to buy banquet tickets at the Race Dept. office located in Team HQ. Tickets are $ 40 per person. NO tickets will be sold at the door. Banquet details and time will be shared closer to the event.
2. Spectators will be able to walk to the finish areas, the farthest would be a 5 minute walk
⇒Payment: Includes lodging, meals, souvenir, entry fees, banquet, coaching, transportation during event, PNW Championship Jacket, and PNW office support.
Payment Due 3/22/2025
Pay By Check: $1825.00
Send check to PNW Division 1329 Section Ave. Quincy, WA 98848
Pay By PayPal: $1900.00 (includes PayPal fees)
♦PayPal Payment Link
PNW Refund / Cancellation Policy
PNW makes every effort to keep costs for projects (Regional & National championships, camps) reasonable to the extent possible. Trip/Camp costs that often are not cancelable within 14 days of the project/camp start include but are not limited to lodging, meals, transportation, staff expenses, and athlete uniforms/swag.
- All cancellations will incur a $25 cancellation fee to offset costs associated with making refunds.
- Athletes who cancel within 14 days of a project/camp will be responsible for any non-refundable charges associated with the project/camp. These may include but are not limited to lodging, prepaid meals, prepaid tickets, prepaid entry fees, staff expense, and athlete uniform/swag.
- PNW will make a reasonable effort to find another athlete to take the spot of the cancelled athlete. Athletes/Families who dispute the reasonableness of the late cancellation charges may take up the issue with the PNW Executive Board.
⇒Coaching Staff:
Katy Loewy, Head Coach – MRT Nick Lawrence, CSAT Jeff Bailey, CMAC Chris Acosta, SARS
Pat Revallier, MBSEF Danasue Kusakabe, MRST Dusty Hanchett, WPSC
- March 25 – Arrive Mammoth, CA by 7pm
- March 26 – PNW Team Free Ski / Train
- March 27 – M / W SG Training
- March 28 – M / W SG Race
- March 29 – M / W GS Race & Banquet
- March 30 – M / W SL Race
- Athlete in Blue confirmed. Athlete in Red paid.
- Athlete in Blue confirmed. Athlete in Red paid.